This project has the full support of the PBA and we are committed to helping the project secure sufficient funding to make its valuable services available to all who need them. We will not forget what you have done for our members. Together, let’s work to help many, many more.

Patrick J. Lynch
President, Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (PBA) of the City of New York

Through its remarkable results, the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project has gained respect at all levels of the rescue forces, and appreciation from the families and colleagues of those whose lives have been restored. We fully support the project staff in their goal of making detoxification available to every rescue worker for whom it is appropriate. We urge you to contribute to the fund, and to do whatever is in your power to speed progress toward this goal.

Israel Miranda
Health and Safety Coordinator
Uniformed EMTs and Paramedics of Local 2507


For years, the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project has been a beacon of hope for those suffering from the effects of toxic exposures at the World Trade Center.

The results that I have personal knowledge of are truly incredible. In addition to the enormous benefits for NYPD, these recoveries have
brought great happiness to many families.

Many more heroes deserve a chance to regain their lives, and we encourage you to continue your support.

Ed Mullins
President, Sergeants Benevolent Association of NYPD